Moving Home Checklist

When you’re moving home, it’s important to make sure you have everything organised so the move goes as smoothly as possible. A moving home checklist can help with this.

The moving process can be daunting, but if you take things one step at a time and use a checklist, it will be much easier.

Whatever checklist you use, make sure it’s tailored to your specific needs. For example, if you have pets, you’ll need to make arrangements for them to be moved too.

Here are some of the things you should include on your checklist:

– Arrange a removal company or get quotes from movers.

– Notify your bank, insurance company, employer and other relevant organisations.

– Change your address with the post office.

– Pack everything you want to take with you.

– Label all boxes and bags with what’s inside.

– Empty your fridge and freezer the day before you move.

– Collect your keys from the previous owner or estate agent.

– Make sure you have cash and cheques to pay the removal company.

– Double check that you have packed everything you need including toiletries, clothes, bedding, etc.

– On the day of the move, make sure you have plenty of water and snacks for everyone helping with the move.

– Have a first night box packed with essentials like toiletries, a change of clothes, some food and drink, etc. so you don’t have to unpack everything on your first day in your new home.

– Take a final walk through of the property to make sure you haven’t left anything anything behind.

By following this checklist, you’ll be able to make your move as stress-free as possible.

The most important thing is to be prepared and organised, so that the move goes as smoothly as possible. Good luck and enjoy your new home!