How To Clean And Maintain Tile Floors

You bought your home tile floors and you thought it looked wonderful. However, the thought of it becoming dirty and out of colour is definitely scary. If you want to keep it as nice as new, you must put some effort into cleaning tile floors.

There are options for tile floors that are not just beautiful, but also easy to maintain. You can find a reliable provider such as Tile And Bath Company to get the highest quality floor tiles in the UK.

Ways To Clean Tile Floors

Tile floors are actually not hard to clean. The top tip to maintain your tile floors is actually just timeliness. If you clean regularly, the dirt or other particles are unable to embed into the floor tile.

Sometimes, accidents happen. It is normal and it’s not a big deal to spill on your tile floors, just make sure you managed to clean tile floors properly and timely before the embedding starts.

Here are some ways to clean up your tile floors :

Vacuum Cleaning

Vacuum cleaning your tile floor is the fastest and most efficient way to clean tile floors as it has decent cleaning power and time conserving. However, do note that using brooms will have the opposite effect as it scratches the surface of your tile floor.

Use A Damp Mop

Mopping your tile floors with a cleaning solution or even as simple as warm water. A steam mop can help to remove stains that are stubbornly stuck as the high temperature usually melts the dirt and stains.

Using a cleaning solution is also a good method to clean tile floors. However, do note that some cleaning solutions will harm certain types of tile floors. It is always wise to check it out first before buying it.

DIY Method

The method that is most cost-saving – is a DIY cleaning solution!

Many people are concerned with the chemicals used in commercial cleaning solutions, so we have done some research on your own “recipe”.

Add white vinegar and baking soda into a 4-5 liter water and mix it up, and there you have your very own DIY cleaning solution. It has odor-removing functions as well aside from the basic cleaning functions.

Fun fact: This method works especially well in ceramic and porcelain tiles.

How To Maintain My Tile Floors?

Grout lines should be given attention as well. New ceramic tiles have beautiful, white-ish grout lines, but over time they can turn yellow-ish and become aesthetically unappealing.

You can either maintain it frequently by cleaning tile floors, or you can seal it off for good. It keeps the dirt from ultimately embedding into the tile floor.

Best Cleaning Methods For Different Types Of Tile Floors

Common tile floors such as ceramic and porcelain tiles have almost the same cleaning routine. Ceramic or porcelain tiles have stronger and more solid properties that can withstand harsher detergents.

If you are working with tile floors made of natural stone tiles, there are some different steps you would need to take:

Slate Tiles

A mild soap on these floor tiles is fine, including the fact it is not an acidic cleaner. You also shouldn’t allow water to dry up on the tile floor if they are coated.

Granite Tile

Similarly, the tile floor needs to be cleaned with mild detergent or soap. After cleaning tile floors, make sure to remove soapy residue with either microfiber mop or sponge mops. Microfiber cloth can also be used to clean tile floors.

A Reminder

When choosing to use a detergent, make sure that it is PH Neutral and not too acidic or alkaline. Don’t use lemon juice as they are acidic cleaners, and don’t use abrasive cleaners such as bleach solution. Chlorine bleach and oxygen bleach are strong alkalines and they will harm instead of cleaning your tile floor.


To reduce your efforts in cleaning tiles, purchasing a high quality floor tile is the way to go. Contact your local home improvement or bath retailers for more information.